Newark Angling Club members return eight fish on trip to Argyll and Bute - Iqraa news

Newark Angling Club's latest prize winners. <i>(Image: Newark Angling Club)</i>

Newark Angling Club's latest prize winners. (Image: Newark Angling Club)

NEWARK ANGLING CLUB continued their 2025 season with their second trip of the year to Argyll and Bute.

The angling club held their second salt water outing when 18 club members made the journey to Lochs Long and Fyne.

The participants enjoyed good weather but could only return eight fish to the scales after a hard day's work.

On Loch Long club member Gilbert Bradley fished his favourite mark on Youth Hostel bay, and whilst he reported returning under-size fish he would also return two nice fish from the loch.

Newark Angling Club members returned to Loch Long and Loch Fyne for their latest outing. (Image: Newark Angling Club) One of those was the heaviest fish of the outing, weighing in at over one pound.

The anglers on Loch Fyne struggled to get any returns from the loch, although Billy Matthews did manage one return from Saint Catherine's on the loch to get among the points.

Matthews' fish was landed on the spinner, whilst Barry Doolan has had a great start to the season.

Doolan again returned his five fish bag limit after fishing various spinning lures in the Cairndow area on the Fyne, which saw him secure top place.

Doolan has now one hand on the salt water championship title when the club returns in October will be decided.

The club now looks forward to the Fresh Water season when the anglers look forward when they head down the Ayrshire coast to Loch Doon in search of the wild Brown Trout.

The heaviest fish landed on the outing would see Gilbert Bradley return a fish of  just under the two pound mark.

Results as follows: 1 Barry Doolan 4lb 1oz, 2 Gilbert Bradley 2lb 13oz, 3 Billy Matthews 0lb 11oz.

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