I Tried 8 Cornbread Mixes and This Was the Best - Iqraa news

I Tried 8 Cornbread Mixes and This Was the Best - Iqraa news
I Tried 8 Cornbread Mixes and This Was the Best - Iqraa news

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Martha White has an overwhelming amount of cornbread options, and many of them require nothing more than water. That’s the case here, and right off the bat, it gives me an uncomfortable feeling. What have they figured out that nobody else has? Before I even put it in the oven, I felt like this mix would be lacking flavor.

Taking this out of the oven is a jump scare. The thing is ghostly white. The flavor matches. Words like “dry” or “bland” or “tasteless” don’t do it justice. It just feels like it’s made incorrectly, and since I’m the one that made it, I can confirm this is true. Cornbread needs milk, eggs, and butter, people.

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