23 Surprising Things You Didn't Know About McDonald's - Iqraa news

23 Surprising Things You Didn't Know About McDonald's - Iqraa news
23 Surprising Things You Didn't Know About McDonald's - Iqraa news

McDonald’s truly is a global phenomenon — such that you’ll find its 38,000 restaurants in 118 countries and territories, according to McDonald’s itself. There are a few places where you won’t find Ronald and crew, however, not just because the chain is absent, but actively despised. Those countries: North Korea, for obvious reasons; Bermuda, which prohibits foreign fast-food chains; and the Vatican, which was miffed when a Mickey D’s opened right across its borders, just outside St. Peter’s Square. McDonald's also pulled its 847 Russian storefronts, a protest against the war on Ukraine.

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