It would be a few more years before this sporting icon was to achieve the height of his fame but he had already made history when he visited Watford 50 years ago.
Highly talented, charismatic and very popular, Alex ‘Hurricane’ Higgins was one of the biggest reasons why snooker became a television hit in the 1980s.
The world champion preparing to take a shot. (Image: Watford Observer) The sport was yet to become mainstream when a Watford Observer photographer captured these snaps in October 1973, but the Northern Irishman had already made history by becoming snooker’s youngest world champion when he gave players in Watford a glimpse of his wonderful ability on the green baize.
The 'Hurricane' with a group of players from the Watford area. (Image: Watford Observer) Sadly, our photographers’ diary does not state in which club or pub the pictures were taken – only that it was in North Watford – but it seems sure to have been a memorable experience for those who got to meet Higgins and watch him in action on the table.
Higgins died in 2010 at the age of 61. (Image: Watford Observer)