15 of the Worst-Reviewed Restaurants in the Country - Iqraa news

15 of the Worst-Reviewed Restaurants in the Country - Iqraa news
15 of the Worst-Reviewed Restaurants in the Country - Iqraa news

One of the hardest things in the world is running a restaurant, and the world is merciless and unforgiving when you make mistakes. Google reviews can be brutal. 

So who better to judge restaurants they’ve never been to than a gaming website? JeffBet put together a report based on Google reviews of restaurants around the country and rounded up the worst of them; might as well kick a small business while they’re down, right JeffBet? 

Here’s what the report had to say about the 15 worst-reviewed restaurants in the country. 

Editor's note: Since the JeffBet report was published, two restaurants on the list have since reportedly closed, Eat's Italian in Las Vegas and Hawkers in New York.

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